
Ballet is a holistic approach to life-long wellness for children and adults alike. For simplicity purposes, let’s focus here on the kids. When it comes to after school activities, children these days have more options than ever before. So, why should you make time for ballet? Many people think you take ballet classes only to become a ballerina – not true! Ballet is one of the few activities that can boast multiple health benefits all in one. Everything you do can be improved through ballet. Still not convinced? Here’s a list of four core benefits of ballet, but truthfully the list is endless!

1. Physical coordination, grace and posture.

We all know kids have to move and burn a lot of energy. But how they do this makes a difference! The core principles of ballet focus on balance, coordination, strength, and poise. Every exercise and step builds on these, creating a strong and capable dancer. To be able to dance properly you must have good posture and a strong core – two things that have been proven to benefit in overall health!

2. Mental strength and focus.

With all those physical demands of ballet, imagine how much work your brain is doing! While children are working hard to coordinate their feet to skip, (a skill that takes a lot more practice then you would think) their brains are constantly building new neural pathways to make all of this happen, which increases neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity improves learning, memory, and comprehension.

3. Builds social skills.

Children are around other kids most of the day. But in a ballet class, the dynamic is unique. As I have told many classes in the past, we are here for a common reason: we love to dance! That in itself creates a special camaraderie between students.